Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So, I tend to procrastinate a fair bit right up until crunch time and most of the time I manage to look like I have been organised the whole time.... hopefully with the wedding I am better than that.

This round of organisation however I needed to find a place to live. So I saw a place on Tuesday, got my junk together ie ID , rental ledgers etc. I made M get his together ,sent in my application at 12:30 today and had it approved by 3 :D

So we move in together on the 17th March. THAT is one busy weekend. I am now moving, I have my first house mate's hens night and then a farewell in the Northern Beaches for my work husband who is leaving to live in London. :(   I will need a sleep that weekend somewhere!

Anyway that is a bit of an update. I am looking around and seeing all the things that I need to pack up because aside from a couch and her room P doesn't have any furniture. So it is all mine :(


  1. Awww... it's gonna be busy, but the move will be for a good thing...Moving in with M *Yay!!*
    What I'd do (and have done before...) take red bull and chuck a sickie after... *wink*

    1. That may be the case. I feel bad that our first night living together I am going to take off to the city . :D I have LOTS of sick leave !
